Monday, May 01, 2006

it's like putting salt and pepper in the same shaker!

i had a perfect weekend. no complaints, seriously! on friday, i went shopping and bought a new dress that i wore out to dance (peter was spinning records at off limits). i got so many compliments and hit on by one crazy girl!

eric and i found time to hangout despite all of his homework... saturday, we wandering around the farmer's market (where i got flowers from the boy!), international fair, and indifest (which was live, independent music). i also went on a bike ride (two loops of river road) with my friend brian... one that i'm still recovering from. that night, eric and i bbqed *yum*. oh! i also bought two new books... fast food nation and the art of happiness. (eric bought the art of war -- how quaint!)

on sunday, i rode my bike over to claudine's to pick up my car (left it there since saturday). then she and i went to lunch... i then did laundry and just when i got home, berta called asking if i wanted to get a beer ... went to normal and then hooked up with eric and went to a play on campus which was in spanish about la frontera (the border). then we went back to my place for sandwiches and sopranos. afterward, we were an old married couple -- i was reading and he was studying for his exam today in bed. how cute!

this is how a weekend is suppose to be spent!


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