Tuesday, April 11, 2006

be delicious!

i went to the gym last night (yah for me) and i rode a bike for 15 minutes then jumped onto a treadmill and walked/jogged for 30 minutes (2 walk/ 8 jog/2/4/1/5/1/3/4). nice little workout.

i have new neighbors upstairs... surprise surprise they have a dog. they seem nice, a younger and less strange than the last set, so we'll see how it goes.

on a side note, i got a call from eric last night and he was telling me about the drama unfolding in ny. apparently, there are two groups of girls who are ignoring one another and causing lots of drama. plus, there is a lot of boozing going on, so it only makes it worse. LMAO. come on ladies, isn't that what we do? we divide and conquer, while keeping a smile on our face and drink in our hand. even if we intend not to be, there is a little mean girl in all of us because of our insecurities. do you agree?


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